

Looking after children and young people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Jun 16 • 4 minute read

How a child or young person reacts to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak may depend on their age, past experiences or understanding of what's happening.

Some children and young people, including those with additional needs and disabilities, may find it difficult to deal with things.

For instance, some may worry about their health, their loved ones or have physical symptoms like stomach ache. Others may behave differently, getting more angry, distant or acting up in other ways.

Some children might react right away and some may show signs of difficulty later on. Other children might be coping fine, and some younger children may be enjoying more time with the family.

If you are a parent or carer, it's important you know how to look after the mental health of those you care for during this time. Here are some tips that might help you.

1. Listen to what your child says and how they're feeling

Children and young people may respond to stress in different ways. They may be more emotional (upset, anxious or angry) or behave differently (clingy, withdrawn or wet the bed). They may also have physical symptoms, like stomach ache, and problems sleeping.

Children and young people can feel less anxious if they are able to express themselves in a safe and supportive environment.

Stay calm – kids often take their emotional cues from the adults in their lives, so how you respond is important.

Listen to and acknowledge their concerns, speak kindly to them and answer any questions they have honestly. Give them extra love and attention if they need it.

2. Be clear about what's happening

Children and young people want to feel that those who care for them can keep them safe.

Explain what will help to keep them and those they love safe, such as washing their hands regularly. Do this by talking openly and giving honest answers to questions they have.

Use reliable sources of information and explain things in words they understand.

If you cannot answer all their questions or stop them from worrying, focus on listening to their feelings. This will help them feel supported.

3. Limit news and conversation about COVID-19

Children and young people, like adults, can become more worried by too much news on the COVID-19 outbreak in the media and online.

But blocking all news rarely helps, as children are likely to find things out from their friends or online. Turning off the TV or closing websites when children come into the room may increase their interest, and their imagination, too much.

Cut down on the amount of COVID-19 news and talk you and your family have. Try to stick to getting an update twice a day – it's enough to keep you informed but not overwhelmed.

You should talk to them about what's going on and ask them what they have heard.

4. Keep close and regular contact

Try to keep your children close to you or those who care for them, as they will need that closer contact now. If you are not living with your children or have to go away, for work or to hospital, keep regular contact by phone or video calls.

If the children are part of a family that is separated, it's important for them to be supported in their contact with parents and other family members – even when the adults do not always get on. Make sure that you follow the current government guidelines on social distancing when you do meet.

Help them understand any arrangements that have been or are being made for them. Use simple terms they understand so it's clear why these things are happening.

5. Create new routines

With everything happening at the moment, it's likely your normal routine has been disrupted. For most children and young people, certain routines like going to school may have changed significantly. Routines make children and young people feel safer, so think about how to develop a routine that is interesting and fun.

Make a plan for the day or week that includes time for learning, playing and relaxing. You could also arrange a virtual play date with friends or visit an online museum or gallery.

6. Get active

Children and young people should be active for 60 minutes a day, so it's important to try to build activity into kids' daily routine.

Can you plan more games outside, like ball games in the park? Outdoor playgrounds are also open, just always make sure you follow current restrictions in your area on where and with how many people you are able to meet, and follow the government advice on social distancing when you are outside your home.

There are also lots of indoor games and activities for kids to play on the Change4Life website.

7. Eat healthily and avoid too many treats

We know it can be tempting to give sweets or chocolate to cheer your children up. But too many treats are not good for their health, especially if they're not as active as they normally are.

Change4Life has loads of healthier snack ideas – and making them together is also a great way to keep the kids busy.

8. Children and young people need good sleep

Sleep is so important for mental and physical health for everyone.

Children and young people need good-quality sleep, so it's important to keep to existing bedtime routines.

9. Look after your own mental health and get support

Remember to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing. You will give the best support to those you love if you can deal with things calmly and confidently.

You can be more supportive if you are better prepared to deal with any issues. There are things you can do, and support is available on looking after your mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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