

Invisalign® - FAQ

Oct 22 • 5 minute read

  • What is Invisalign treatment?

    Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.
  • What are Invisalign clear aligners made of and what do they look like?

    Invisalign clear aligners are made of flexible plastic — specifically, a patented thermoplastic material called SmartTrack® created exclusively for Invisalign treatment.

    Invisalign clear aligners are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten. They are thin, clear, and fit snugly over your teeth, making them virtually invisible.

  • How will Invisalign treatment straighten my teeth?

    Your doctor will create a unique, digital treatment plan that maps out the exact movements of your teeth. Your Invisalign clear aligners are then designed to apply the right amount of force to the right place at the right time based on your plan. Your doctor will be with you every step of the way to monitor your progress and ensure your aligners fit correctly.
  • What are the primary benefits of Invisalign treatment?

    Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible — people may not even notice you’re wearing them. You can remove them to eat and drink, to brush and floss, or for special occasions. There are no metal brackets or wires that could irritate your mouth or break, sending you to your doctor for an emergency visit. 
  • Am I guaranteed to have straight teeth with Invisalign treatment?

    Every smile is unique, which is why your Invisalign treatment starts with a consultation. During your consultation, your doctor will help you determine what Invisalign treatment can do for your smile. We cannot guarantee a particular treatment outcome, but encourage you to share your treatment goals with your doctor at your consultation.
  • Is Invisalign treatment right for me?

    Yes! Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. Our innovations and technological advancements make it possible to fix nearly all common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex — all without interrupting your busy life. And, thanks to a discreet blue dot on the outside of teen aligners, parents can be sure their child is wearing their clear aligners enough.
  • What is the treatment process?

    Invisalign treatment starts with a consultation with an Invisalign-trained doctor. Your doctor will evaluate your smile and then map out a precise, customized digital treatment plan that showcases the step-by-step transformation of your smile.

    Once you approve your plan, your unique aligners will be created. You will wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks, as directed by your doctor. Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into place, according to your treatment plan, until you reach your beautiful new smile.

  • Can I go to any dentist or orthodontist for Invisalign treatment?

    Many orthodontists and dentists are Invisalign-trained doctors, but not all are. Doctors who want to offer Invisalign treatment must complete specialized training.
  • How long will treatment take?

    The length of treatment depends on multiple factors, like how complex your case is and how often you wear your aligners. Your doctor will determine exactly how long your treatment will take based on your specific needs. On average, Invisalign treatment time is 12 to 18 months,2 though you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks.
  • How often will I change aligners?

    Your doctor will tell you how often you should change to new aligners (this can vary based on your individual treatment plan). Many doctors recommend changing Invisalign clear aligners weekly or every other week.
  • How many hours per day should I wear my aligners?

    For the best results, wear your Invisalign clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day, taking them out just for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.
  • How often will I have appointments with my doctor?

    Your doctor will schedule regular appointments, usually about once every four to six weeks. The goal of these visits is to ensure your Invisalign treatment is progressing as planned.
  • My doctor mentioned "attachments." What are they and why would I need them for my Invisalign treatment?

    Your Invisalign treatment may require SmartForce® attachments, small tooth-colored shapes that are attached to your teeth.

    These shapes serve as handles, giving the aligners something to gently push on in order to move your teeth with the right amount of force, and are what make complex tooth movements possible without braces. Invisalign clear aligners fit smoothly and tightly around them, so they’re barely noticeable.

    While not everyone who uses Invisalign clear aligners will need SmartForce attachments, if you need them, your doctor will attach them to your teeth at the start of or during your treatment and remove them when they are no longer needed.

  • Can I get Invisalign treatment on just my top or bottom teeth instead of both?

    Invisalign treatment options are available for just top or bottom teeth, but consult your doctor for your individual needs.

  • Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment to prevent my teeth from moving again?

    Most doctors recommend that anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment, whether with braces or Invisalign treatment, use a retainer to prevent teeth from gradually shifting back toward their initial position. Every case is different, so ask your doctor if you need retainers.
  • What type of retainer should I use?

    While there are many different types of retainers, we recommend Vivera® retainers. Vivera retainers are virtually invisible and made from a proprietary material 30% stronger than other leading clear retainer materials, which helps you keep your new smile.

    Your Vivera retainers will be custom-made from an impression or scan of your teeth using the same state-of-the-art technology used for Invisalign clear aligners.

  • How long will I have to wear my Vivera retainers?

    Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how often you need to wear your retainers. Typically, you wear your first set full time, then based on your doctor’s recommendation you may gradually reduce how much you wear them until you only wear them at night.
  • Lose your Vivera retainer? No problem.

    If you lose or break your last set of Vivera retainers, or simply run out, just get in touch with your doctor. Your doctor can work with you on purchasing a new set of Vivera retainers, so you can keep showing off that smile!






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